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  • I don’t think the FAITH key has a hidden religious meaning at all. I think the idea behind the key was to share the idea for believing in yourself to brighter days. That better days are coming. To continue fighting and holding on. I agree not everyone has faith in fellow citizens, family members, etc.. they trust and depend on only themselves. Which this key could also stand for them having faith in the system of which they themselves have created.

    T T
  • Not everyone is Christian.
    Not everyone celebrates Christmas.
    Not everyone has faith in something. No, not even faith in their community .
    Sorry, but this was a major turn off for me. I won’t buy something that might have surprise religious artifacts (brushed off as “everyone has faith in something!” No. And when you see a person wearing a necklace that says “faith”, everyone assumes Christianity. What next? A cross because Jesus died for everyone even if you don’t believe it?) that will just be offending to me and then go into the trash.
    Other subscription boxes have a “winter” themed box to be more inclusive of everyone instead of catering to those of a privileged religion.


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